6 Ways to Choose a Trustworthy Litigation Lawyer

Most companies or people will likely not need a commercial litigation lawyer more than a couple or a few times throughout their lifetime. That being said, it is imperative that when they do need one, the commercial litigation lawyer is good. Commercial litigation law is law that has to do with corporate disputes. Things like negligence, partnership disputes, and contract disputes are all included in commercial litigation law. Your lawyer needs to have some characteristics that show you they know what they’re doing.

1. Thinks critically

You want a lawyer who will think critically about the information you are sharing. If the lawyer simply agrees with everything, they aren’t thinking deeply enough about the information and will likely miss important points. This type of lawyer is not the kind of person who will win you this important commercial litigation case. Find someone who questions you, thinks critically, and even plays devil’s advocate in order to create a strong case.

2. Limits his or herself

Lawyers who see clients as dollar signs tend to overload themselves with cases and may not have time to really focus on yours. Lawyers who take clients only when they have availability are the lawyers who will truly focus on a case and are more likely to win.

3. Is easy to get along with

You don’t have to be best friends, but you do need to get along if you’re going to work on a case together. Your commercial litigation lawyer should be someone you can trust, someone you can talk to, and someone who understands what you mean when you’re explaining things. Your lawyer should listen to what you say. If they try to rush you through or cut you off, they aren’t getting all of the facts and they aren’t likely to do the best job on your case.

4. Is open about your case

Your lawyer should be able to give you an idea of what you can expect from your case. What are the strongest points and what are the weakest points? Your commercial litigation lawyer should be willing and able to talk these details out with you and lay out the possible outcomes of your case with you. Neither you nor your lawyer will be able to tell exactly how the case will turn out – that’s the nature of the law system, every case is different. But based on their expertise, your lawyer should be able to make an assessment about your case.

5. Gives a written estimate

The final amount may change, and that’s to be expected – the lawyer can’t know exactly what kind of work will go into this case, but they should be able to at least give you a ball park figure. At the very least they should be able to tell you about the charges you can expect to see on your final invoice. Even if the amounts aren’t exact, at least you’ll know what you are paying fees for. If they have no idea and can’t even give a guesstimate, they are likely under-experienced as a commercial litigation lawyer, and are maybe not a great fit for your case.

6. Has a good reputation

As much as your commercial litigation lawyer should be able to speak for his or herself, a good reputation means a lot when it comes down to it. It is really hard to build up a solid good reputation, and very easy to let one fall apart. If your commercial litigation lawyer’s reputation lines up with the values and needs you have, then you’re likely looking at a lawyer who will work hard on your case in order to keep that good reputation strong.


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