5 Methods That Physiotherapists Use to Help Their Patients

Also known in some areas a physical therapy, physiotherapy is a form of medical treatment that focuses on helping people with mobility issues. Those issues may be related to chronic health conditions like arthritis, or be the result of an injury or permanent disability. These five methods may be used alone or in whatever combination is in the best interests of the patient.

1. Education

Many physiotherapists begin with an evaluation of the patient’s condition. That establishes the type of information the medical professional will convey to the client. The goal is to equip the patient with data that makes it easier to understand the nature of the health issue and what can be done to improve the range of motion and the quality of life.

2. Application of Heat and Cold

Applications of heat and cold for carefully measured periods of time can help sooth strained muscles and tendons. Removing stiffness and tension does more than provide pain relief. This form of physiotherapy can also allow the patient to enjoy a wider range of motion for hours.

3. Massage Therapy

Deep tissue massage or hot oil massages are another way or removing stiffness from muscles and easing the tension in the body. Many patients also report that massage helps ease the emotional stress that comes along with the physical limitations. It’s not unusual for patients who are injured and temporarily unable to move as freely as they would like to experience depression and anxiety. The soothing action of massage eases the racing mind and promotes the production of neurotransmitters that support emotional balance.

4. Exercise

Inactivity causes muscles and tendons to atrophy. The result is decreased mobility and more pain. A physiotherapist knows how to design a program that is in line with the current physical state of the patient. In severe cases, the exercises will help the patient to recover balance and prevent atrophy. As the patient improves, the exercises will be more physically demanding. In the best-case scenario, the result is a patient who regains as much range of motion as possible and feels stronger.

5. Electrical Muscle Stimulation

This form of Brampton physiotherapy involves using electrodes to deliver carefully measured amounts of electrical current to specific muscle groups. The idea is to stimulate blood circulation, contract and relax muscles, and promote healing. Patients who have been bedridden for some time and need some preparation before beginning more traditional forms of physical therapy. Even after beginning treatments like exercising in water, the therapist may recommend continuing the electrical muscle stimulation for a few more weeks.

Work with your physiotherapist to come up with the right course of treatment for your condition. While it may be difficult at first, the rewards will begin to appear sooner than you think.


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